Sunday, February 10, 2013

Digital Dance Club 2/5/2013

Nemi and I hit it hard in the studio at KXUA this past week.

We were in the process of adjusting our show format to be more "listener friendly". This involved letting tracks playing out, making a huge effort to announce the tracks every few songs and also letting the locals know of upcoming EDM events.

Through this whole process we figured this out:

1. Mixing every 5-6 minutes gets boring and old. We are back to doing our regular thing.
2. Announcing tracks is good, but with faster mixing that calls for less music and more talking, and we are firm believers that this show is all about the music.
3. Locality and just awesome news in the EDM scene worldwide is pretty important to us.

But here it is:


- Blay

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Year! New Semester! New Music!

What's up, my EDM loving friends!

Nemi and I are in the process of getting back into the music, HARD!!!!

Keep an eye out for original tracks, our favorite tracks of the day, new mixes, remixes, and upcoming shows both from us and other big name artists!


- Blay
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