Friday, August 3, 2012

Update Update Update!

Alright, so I'm going to make this nice and quick.
But first a pic!

  • The show on Tuesday night went quite well.  Everyone there enjoyed my mixing, even the DJs that invited me.  I was even invited to play another show on the 21st of August.  This is going the direction I want it to go. 
  • I got more connections in the scene.  I met more DJs, Club owners, Gogo dancers, etc.  The Gogos tend to be all over me as I'm one of the younger DJs.  Can't deny saying that some of the Gogos aren't too bad looking.
  • I missed two days of work from being sick.  (I must have eaten something.)  But I decided to make the best of my time by making bead sprites for my buddy to sell.  So at least I'll make some money from the day off, right?
  • I finished watching Air Gear, the anime.  I've gotta say for a good anime, the ending was the worse.
That's about it.  It's friday, and I've got National Guard drill this weekend.  Ready for the fun!  :D



P.S.  Look forward to a new blog that I'm making dedicated to bead sprites.  :D


  1. gogo dancers all over you? lucky!

  2. Well, congrats, and we're happy you enjoyed it! Hope you get to work against Skrillex some time (just because.)!


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